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Ryedene Primary and Nursery School

Welcome to Ryedene! 

Welcome to Ryedene Primary School and Nursery, a happy and successful community where every child is recognised as an individual and where we aim for all children to reach their potential. We believe that every child has a talent and can experience success as they develop through the supportive and caring environment we provide. Education is a journey that takes many years and we are confident that, when you choose Ryedene, it will be a happy and successful one. 

At Ryedene, we offer a supportive, fun and engaging learning environment in which our children feel safe, make fantastic progress and thrive. The school is first and foremost a place of learning where children enjoy spending their time. Learning is at the centre of everything we do - both in and out of the classroom - and with so many opportunities at Ryedene we feel any child will flourish here with us.

We are true believers that children only get one opportunity for a successful education and we work hard to provide the best on offer. We have high expectations of all and are focused on every child being the best they can be in all that they do – every child really does matter. Children are encouraged to adopt the school values of honesty, excellence, aspiration, respect, responsibility and determination in all that we do. These are referred to in all aspects of school life.

Our staff have created a nurturing and caring environment with children and their families at the heart of all we do. Our school motto is ‘growing together to succeed’ and we truly believe that team work and positive relationships are what make us all successful. 

So, a warm welcome to Ryedene and we hope you find what you are looking for while browsing through our website. If you do have any further queries or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact the school. 


Mr A. Toomer 

Head of School. 

Paper copies of information on the website are available on request, for free, from our school office.