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Ryedene Primary and Nursery School

Special Educational Needs

What does SEND mean?

SEND is the abbreviation used for ‘Special Educational Needs and Disabilities’.

Children are all different and make progress at different rates. They have different ways in which they learn best. Our teachers take account of this in the way they organise their lessons and teach. Children making slower progress or having particular difficulties in one area may be given extra help or different lessons to help them succeed.

It is important not to assume, just because your child is making slower progress than you expected or the teachers are providing different support, help or activities in class, that your child has special educational needs.

The Special Educational Needs (SEN) Code of Practice: for 0 to 25 years (Statutory guidance for organisations who work with and support children and young people with SEND), which came into effect in September 2014, is the document which gives us guidance on increasing options and improving provision for children and young people with Special Educational Needs.

In order to help children who have SEND we adopt a graduated response that includes a range of strategies. We recognise that there is a continuum of special educational needs; some may be minor and short term, whilst in some exceptional cases SEND are complex and lifelong. Most will be supported successfully in school but where necessary we will bring increasing specialist expertise to bear on the difficulties that a child may be experiencing.

Identification can come from a number of routes. It may be from a previous school or nursery, via us or it may be due to concerns from you. We would always look to be reaching the decision as the result of collaboration between everyone involved with the child.

Some children will come into school having already been identified as having a SEND. These children will be added to our SEND profile; this is a list of the children in school with SEND and the type of barriers to learning they experience.  They will also be included in the Provision map; this is a whole school management system that helps us to co-ordinate the identification, support and monitoring of those children who receive additional support.

 Essex Local Offer for SEND: https://send.essex.gov.uk/ 

ryedene send information report.pdf


send code of practice.pdf